I got a letter from Gulf state saying they will delete. I was in the middle of disputing it with EQ. I get an updated report from EQ that says they deleted the Gulf State entry. I go and look at report and it is still there!! I call and they tell me they will investigate it again! WHY!!! They already agreed to delete. Anyone got their fax number so I can send them their own damn proof! ARRGGHH
For SECURITY reasons, the fax may only be available MONDAY to FRIDAY (BUSINESS HOURS)... Although you would think that a cleaning crew would have to go through a "SECURITY CLEARANCE"...
I feel your pain! I have, right here on my desk, 10, yes 10 reports from Equifax dated over the last 8 days. All of them say that they are deleting 2 HFC accounts. I submitted documentation to Equifax to delete (A letter from HFC). All 10 reports still show those accounts as reporting. Huh? Yep, all 10 continue to report the same 2 accounts when the whole purpose for running all ten of the reports was to tell me that they deleted these accounts. When you do finally get in touch with Equifax, they will tell you that they "prematurely printed that report, and the results are not yet final." My favorite one was the last one....it said "we have completed our reinvestigation--LisaMc is verified." They verified my name! I gave them that tidbit of information! By the way, those same 2 HFC accounts were on that report too! What morons!
Actually Lisa, here's what's happening- One of the EQ clerks slipped down the hall to the dentist's office and snuck back a canister of NO2. Now they're all huddled around the computer, toking on Nitrous Oxide and punching the PRINT button. Every time one hits the button they all fall to the floor in laughing spasms-- The picture of you pulling your hair out as you read each report is just too much to resist!!! They love punching your buttons.