Does anyone know what this means? We're sorry! We are experiencing unusually high volumes and are unable to immediately process your request. We have captured your order and our system will continue to retry processing attempts. You will be notified via e-mail when your order transaction has been completed. Did I exceed my inquiry limit, or is this just a temp. glitch, I've been trying since last night, for both me and hubby, anyone else have luck?
It wigs out now and then. Just keep trying. But, before ordering a new one, make sure a report with todays date isn't listed under your current products.
I hate to tell you this, but that is the message that I kept getting for days when my inquiry limit had been exceeded. It will never email you. You will just continue to get that screen forever I guess.
Lisa- Thank goodness I'm still in my original free 30 days then! I just looked to see when I will have inquiries fall off, LMAO 3/28/03 is when the next one turns 2 years old. This stinks!
I'm on hold with them now. "We can't dispute inquiries" I told her a friend of mine had the same problem and they just removed the EQU inquiries, she put me on hold. I just counted 95 EQU inquiries, most since 9/ sad, I need a life!
Please keep me posted. My oldest inquiry is 2/2001! I really need them to remove all the EQU inquiries too! But they told me they wouldn't do that.
The other- Sorry, can't help you, that's all I got. They won't delete, BUT the EQU inquiries are only supposed to be on for 1 year. I told her to cancel my service, she asked why. DUH! I don't want to pay for a service I can't use. WTF is wrong with them?
I get that same message too.. I just try back later and I can get my report.. I've gotten that message at least a dozen times in the last month. Ozzy.