
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by My Evil Tw, Jan 22, 2001.

  1. My Evil Tw

    My Evil Tw Guest

    Has anyone had a problem with Equifax getting their name right? I sent them a letter 1/2/00 to let them know the report I got online was totally screwed up. (The only thing right was my first name.) Sent a copy of my Drivers License for ID. Told them my name and prior address was incorrect. Got a letter back saying they need my Drivers License for Identification. Please submit, all prior correspondance has been shredded. The letter came to my correct name and correct address. I'm scratching my head.....
  2. mt

    mt Guest

    You know -- some people should be slapped silly -- and I'm talking about the dope who sent you that letter.
  3. My Evil Tw

    My Evil Tw Guest

    I'll do it...and then I want have at it with their credit report...!
  4. mt

    mt Guest


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