I have sooooo had it with these jackasses. Sorry y'all for cursing but I'm so pissed. It's been 2 weeks since I have told them about the duplicates that Consumer Affairs somehow added to my credit report, they have NOT removed them yet!!! That is ok, it's their @$$!! I pull at least 2 reports per week and will have so much ammo to show this judge when we go to court. Also, I got one creditor to remove a listing from my credit file on TU and EQ. They faxed to me a copy of the Consumer Dispute Verification form that they also faxed to TU & EQ. TU removed it promptly. Equisux is STILL reporting this account. I want to see them burn in hell....... There is NO way I will settle with them, to court we are going just because I want them to spend all the money I can make them spend.
Move over Christi, I'll sit on that "hate Equisux" bench with you anytime. They are the main ones holding me back right now from getting some decent prime credit. To make matters worse, it seems that Equifux is the bureau of choice for almost every creditor these days.
Equifax is my only clean report. When I disputed 2 charge off's and 8 paid collections last year they deleted all of them. It's been clean for almost a year. TU and EX are different stories. I consider EX to be my mortal enemy. EdG
It's funny how some people can get all their derogs deleted and others (like me) find it hard to get one deleted. I still wonder if somehow they internally and secretly tag certain people and don't allow any deletions without a fight.
I think I am tagged......but guess what? Their turn is coming. I have filed and will NOT settle with them, without a fight first. now the ball is in my court and I'm out for blood. If they keep pissing me off, I'm hiring an attorney and bumping this baby up to district court and going for MUCH more money. They can squirm like I had done for 2 yrs. Everytime I even thought about credit (until finding this board) I literally got sick, not anymore. They have made me to the point of......well they better just quit screwing me around is all I can say
IF you're going to bother bumping to District... maybe you need to refinance your house in the interim... I mean, maybe you need to get declined for a mortgage off Equifax before bumping venues... Just a thought. 150k actual damages, 250K mental anguish actual damages 500K punitives 55 court costs, 100mailing?, atty fees... you'd really have to go to court but with your papertrail likely an atty would do a contingency.
I just started on the road to credit cleanliness.....So far the only thing I received was 2 deletes from equifax. I disputed online. They sent me a letter saying they were going to delete the two disputes. They didnt...and to make matters worse, I misplaced the letter. I have all my creditnet stuff in one folder. I've searched high and low and cannot find that paper....I'm bummed. Me