Error by collection agency

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lynn, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. lynn

    lynn New Member

    I need help. I had a credit card delinquency with Citibank. They turned it over to Collectcorp. I made an arrangement with Collectcorp to settle the debt. I gave them three checks by phone to take out of my checking acct. This is Jan 2004. Thinking everything is fine June 2004 I get a call from another collection agency stating my acct was delinquent. I called Collectcorp and they tell me that a manager deleted the third check out of their system. They acknowledge their mistake and state they will take care of it. Up to this time however, they haven't. What should I do?
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Never speak to them over the phone...

    Never give a collection agency your account information.

    Send them CMRRR, immediately a letter demanding that they resolve their mistake immediately.

    But by paying them anything, chances are you reset the SOL so that they could sue you if this isn't taken care of quickly.

    Always do everything in writing, then you would have proof that they made a mistake, and you could use that to expidite getting out of their mistake...
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    >I need help. I had a credit card delinquency with Citibank. They turned it over to Collectcorp.
    1*I made an arrangement with Collectcorp to settle the debt.
    2* I gave them three checks by phone to take out of my checking acct.
    This is Jan 2004. Thinking everything is fine June 2004 I get a call from another collection agency stating my acct was delinquent. I called Collectcorp and they tell me that a manager deleted the third check out of their system. They acknowledge their mistake and state they will take care of it. Up to this time however, they haven't.
    3*What should I do?
    1*I never agree to pay anything that hasn't been properly validated.
    2*Never give a collection agency your account information. They could empty your account.
    3*Send both CAs the Validation letter.

  4. ca0me15

    ca0me15 Banned

    -Speak to them over the phone whenever you can and feel comfortable doi g it. Some people can talk circles around a collection agency rep, other get beat up by them.

    -If you get the payment arrangement in writing, there is nothing wrong with giving them your account info.

    -If they somehow "wipe out" your bank account, THE BANK IS LIABLE. Dont be paranoid!

    -Payment WILL NOT RESET THE SOL in most cases. Additionally, the collection agency CANNOT SUE the consumer, in most cases.

    -IT IS TOO LATE TO REQUEST VALIDATION from the first collection agency. The second one may still be in the 30 day validation period.

    -Keep a cool head, dont get caught up in paranoia. If they made a bona fide error, you HAVE TO give them a chance to fix it. IF THEY DONT, then you have a leg to stand on.

    -Let the second collection ageny know you paid the 1st one and send them a copy of the check(s), this puts them on notice. If they continue to collect, sue them :)

    -CONTACT THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR and ask them who is supposed to be collecting on the account. Often the original creditor recalls an account from one collection agency and sends it to another one. IN THE MEANTIME, the 1st collection agency continues to collect, and even gets paid, while they are not legally able too. THIS IS A HUGE VIOLATION. :) (Allied Interstate paid me 5k$ for that one LOL)

    Good Luck!

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