Eskanos & Adler sent me (I'm in California) a â??pay or we will sue* letter dated April 8, 2004. I responded that this debt is seven years old. They filed a lawsuit against me on April 20 (it was written April 13 before they even got my first letter and a few days after they sent the "pay or we will sue" letter). The only thing I got officially served was the Order to Show Cause (because they never did serve me with an summons) and the case management hearing. They have chosen *not* to serve me with the summons and complaint. Which is why the court generated the ORC. They represent a Credit One, LLC; an out of state collection agency who bought an old CitiBank charge off that I had. It was an old Home Saving Master Card that I stopped paying on in 8/1997 due to being on worker's comp. Their letter was dated April 8, 2004. I responded that this debt is almost seven years old and threatening to sue over a debt that is beyond the California statute of limitations is a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. They signed for my letter April 15. They filed a lawsuit against me on April 20(it was written April 13 before they even got my first letter and a few days after they sent the "pay or we will sue" letter). The only thing I got officially served with was the Order to Show Cause and the case management hearing. They have chosen *not* to serve me with the summons and complaint. After being served with the ORC I wrote another letter demanding Verification. They sent me a Xerox of the last bill Home Savings sent me. I recognized it and the charges. I impressed that they even found it. But even so, it is way past the four-year statute of limitations. I still can't believe after seeing the bill (BTW is was the 8/1997 bill payment due 9/1997) they gave 15 days to make arrangements to pay. I filed complaints about them with the proper state and federal agencies. This bill has *never* appeared on any of my credit reports until Credit One; LLC reported it in April (are we seeing a pattern here?). I've also disputed it with all the CRA's. Fortunately equifax actually has the proper date of the last activity. So it will drop of my report September 1. The other two CRA have dropped the Credit One; LLC entry completely. Eskanos has also been snooping around in my Experian credit report. I guess to see if I was employed. Damn funny because it is the only one that has my former place of employment is listed. Iâ??ve been on disability retirement for five years. (I get SSDI and my house is homesteaded) Also the original debt was for $5447.39 but they want $12,037.09. Talk about inflation. Well now this gets even more bizarre today I get a form in the mail They want a continuance on the Order To Show Cause hearing because they "claim" that they have tried to serve me but have been unable too so they have turned the matter over to a skip tracer. They the request by mail to my street address (which BTW I believe was deliberate as the USPS does not deliver to street addresses where I live and all previous correspondence was sent to my PO box) Geez I am 100% disabled donâ??t drive and use a service dog. Iâ??ve lived at the same address for 15 years. How hard am I to find? All CRA have the correct address. Not to mention I have been in correspondence with them. Ok I donâ??t want them to get the continuance. And I am a complete noob when it comes to this stuff. And I can't answer the lawsuit because I haven't been served. I tried that already. So what I need to know is simply how to put a stop their request for a continuance. They donâ??t need more time to fake serving me with a summons. They are trying to sue on a very old way past the SOL. In fact it is off two of my credit reports and due to drop off Sept 1 on Equifax. Yup, this debt is seven years old and I am sure they know they what they did was illegal. The court clerk remembers me. This is a very small town. Shit I already have a copy of the complaint, where they actually lied and said that the debt is less than four years old. How do I respond? There must a place that has all the legal forms that I can fill in.
Check why chats site here. I think there is a past SOL letter there. ****************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. ******************************************************* >
Check why chats site here. I think there is a past SOL letter there. ****************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. ******************************************************* >