Yeah I read those posts and was greatly amused by them it's all about boo hoo poor me, or my fiancee - we broke the law and got caught in the act! The debtor learned their rights and *gasp* stood up for themselves!!! And you know, I just bet that the judge was frowning upon that debtor for learning his rights and thinking what a silly thing for him to do.. - but just to amuse him I think I'll award him $100k, and let him come back for a second round and a shot at another $100k - just for kicks - *yeah that'll teach him to stand up to the CA and show just how much I frown upon his learning techniques! NyteAngel ================== LOL NyteAngel *I just lived your punch line here .Really cracked me up. Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
I suppose when CA's change the dates of service on a account to keep it on your credit that a Judge has no problem with that either ? Im leaving to go get a file in a hour from a creditor . I know the service dates but apparently the OC and the CA cannot figure them out . Oh what fun it will be slamming it home to them both . What is it you ask ? A Medical bill I claimed in Bankruptcy . My Bankruptcy was forced apon me from a auto accident that had me out of work for 3 months , and the person who hit me had NO insurance . I've learned quite a few hard lessons about the system along the way , and Im tired of having it stuck to me by ruthless CA's . Im ready to move on with my life and enjoy it but apparently most CA's don't want a person to enjoy life , so they lie , cheat , and pressure people into paying . If the person owes , then more credit to you , your doing your job . If you cannot prove the account is thiers or that it should have been removed from the file for some other reason , your scum . So greedy are CA's , willing to hurt other people for the all mighty dollar .
Re: Re: estoppel & CA kk the CA, where exactly in the estoppel letter does the debtor admit to the debt ? or are you adding your own interpretation of the estoppel letter, just the same as your claim of fraud on the creditor.
Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA kk the CA, your fiancee loses $200k, which was paid by insurance and your mad at everybody on CN for fighting CA/OC's ? you claim your fiancee is a good attorney ? how come he went to court unprepared ?
Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA I have a perfect quote for this thread.. KK heres a message for ya; a fool is wise only in his own mind, until he speaks and lets it be known to the world. you sure like living on the edge by taking the risk even with an attorney that you think you will prevail when you violate the FCRA and FDCPA. some judges are not impresed when they see the consumer fall victim to the CA lies and non compliant actions thats the whole purpose of the FCRA and FDCPA. its not just the law itself but its the evidence and how the case is presented. you should be careful , one day you may come across an educated consumer who can prevail against your attorney hope you have good insurance.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA fun4u2 heres a message for ya; I didn't violate FCRA or FDCPA. a fool is wise only in his own mind, until he speaks and lets it be known to the world.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA I find it highly amusing and entertaining how flustered a CA employee/owner/whatever gets when confronted with a largely self-educated group of folks, such as the CN community. CA FDCPA violations are rampant. Just look at PACER (federal listing of all cases filed in US District court), as well as state courts, to see how many people have been screwed by CAs who try and take advantage of people who simply don't realize that they have rights afforded them under the FDCPA and FCRA. Not to toot my own horn...but: A while back I won a case I filed against a CA for FDCPA & FCRA violations to the tune of $14,385.00. I filed that case in state court (Georgia Magistrate court is equivalent to small claims; limit is $15K). EVERYTHING I learned regarding my rights and the procedure for filing suit was learned from the 'net, including the actual FDCPA, FCRA, and associated caselaw. I prepared my case for two weeks and when the trial date came, I smoked the CA's lawyer. I was well prepared and the proceedings looked like the court room scene at the end of 'A Few Good Men'. I passed the judge my documentation of the events very smoothly. I had copies of the FDCPA and FCRA, as well as relevant Georgia state law. Every time the defense tried to make a point, I easily rebutted it. After the judge awarded me the judgment, their attorney just left the court room, battle-worn and defeated. As I left, another lawyer remarked, "that was damn fine lawyering on your really know your stuff" My point is, it frustrates people like 'kaykay' when consumers take CA's and attorneys to task to have their rights protected. NOTHING embarrasses an attorney like getting whipped by a pro-se opponent. The CA didn't even appeal, and I had a nifty check from them 9 days later.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA I don't think so. He just called me after court this afternoon and he won a $233 million case against a major manufacturer. He gets 40% for attorney fees. No wonder he said I didn't have to worry about a measly $100 grand. He probably knew he was going to win it. $14,000 wouldn't even buy his motorcycle.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA Let me get this straight KK. Hubby just called and told you y'all just made $100 Million, and all you can think of is "I better jump on CN and tell those guys". Gotcha. LOLOL .
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA He won't make that much. The law firm will get 60%. He was the lead attorney and there were 5 other attorneys under him so they all get their cut too.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA KK you obviously didnt read the post carefully , you are too buzy thinking of your next answer. when I mentioned the above quote your reply was out of context, I never implied that answer to be referred to as you violating the FCRA and FDCPA. I implied that meaning by what you were saying in your other posts.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA Who's the Plaintiff and Defendant? Is this a federal or a state action. What's the case #?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA Who's the Plaintiff and Defendant? Is this a federal or a state action. What's the case #?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: estoppel & CA No, the case has a nondisclosure in it. It was in court and the defendant decided to settle it before the decision was actually reached by the court. So there is a non-disclosure in effect.