Estoppel - Does It Work?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by smogtek, Jun 18, 2002.

  1. smogtek

    smogtek Well-Known Member

    I requested validation from a collection agency. They did not upate my CR as "in dispute" and all they sent me was:

    1) Business Card (no name on it)
    2) Typewritten post-it saying they were sending me a copy of the bill asking me to "look it over and let them know if the info is correct"
    3) Copy of a ledger from OC
    4) An "A/R Efforts" worksheet

    They indicated that the debt was assigned and reported to EX and EQ.

    There was NO SIGNATURE!

    Should the estoppel go out now? If so, which letter is estoppel? I did not see any estoppel letter in the sample letters section. I must be getting old. LOL
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    It's not listed as estoppel in the letter section. It's listed as validation letter # 4. It does work, but the other letters work also. It all depends on the CA and/or the person reading it. Some may toss it and others may actually read it, if they can read. Charlie

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