Hi, I know this is a question that has come up many times, but a little clarification would help me out alot. 1.) Is the estoppel letter the same as a cease in assist letter or a validation letter. 2.) If there is a difference, could someone pplease show me the outline of an example of this letter. Thanks, Sal
the estoppel letter is different from the cease and desist and validation letter, in that it is to inform the ca or creditor that they have failed to validate the debt and are subjected to the "estoppel by silence" doctrine. somebody else will give you a more technical explanation than i can right now. the example of the estopple letter is posted in the letters forum and you can also search the board using "estoppel letter" for hints.
Thanks uniondiva, So what you're saying is that the esoppel letter is the perverbial 2nd letter you send to a collection agency/creditor after they have had over 30 days to prove validity but could not?? -Sal
it is the can be the 2nd and or next to last, prior to " intent to sue" or filing of small claims. Some people like to send two validations letters before the estoppel.
Although some people like to send two validation ltrs, it is not necessary. The CA's don't need any more time than allowable by law to get their act together.