Even more discouraged :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vectorz, Jan 10, 2002.

  1. vectorz

    vectorz Well-Known Member

    I've been at it for about 2 months now, with absolutely no improvement.

    Here's my scenario.

    1st problem: BK'd CH7 in March 2k1. All 3 bureaus showing 'open' accounts that have been discharged, with balances even. Isn't this against the law? You'd think they should be more afraid of the law protecting me! I just can't get them to report the correct info. Disputed w/ CRA's and they keep coming back 'verified' online. The CA keeps saying that they will only verify it w/ the CRA if the CRA calls them. They said they will not send me any letters because the CH7 law doesn't allow them to send me letters. (Ironic they can't send me letters yet they can still violate the law by reporting incorrect information). CRA says they will only get rid of if I show them copy of my CH7 papers. I'm afraid if I send that in, than if I ever try to dispute these items in the future, I won't be able to.

    2nd problem: Inquiries. I have 22 inquiries, how do I get rid of these? Called Equifax, TU and Exp, ALL 3 of them refuse to investigate inquiries! Tried online w/ Exp, and they just come back 1 month later as verified! WTF?

    3rd problem: student loan showing up multiple times. I have a student loan that I've reconsolidated through direct loans. It's in good standing however, the past collections are still showing up on my file. They've been passed back and forth between multiple collections agencies EACH, so I have like 10 different CA accounts showing up as hit on my file.

    Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. vectorz

    vectorz Well-Known Member

    Also, anyone have any links on the Chapter 7 BK laws? I'd love to have a look at the specifics of this. Thanks.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    on the student loans. jsut try disputing them. dispute them as duplicates, not mine, etc. try disputing the old ones first. check the student loan database or sallie mae and see what they have in the computer for you. ask them to send you a copy.

    I have had almost all my student loans situations fixed by simple disputes. i got my information from sallie mae so if it was verified by the cra, i would have some proof i could send in and hopefully force a deletion.

    also, remember two months is not a long time. your bk is relatively new.
  4. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    There will be times in the credit journey when it seems like nothing else will come off. Keep reading this board--you will get inspiration and ideas to help you leap over hurdles like these.

    Are the accounts showing as "included in bankruptcy"? It does not sound as if they are. If they are, try disputing as unecessary duplication of information already contained in credit file. If BK discharges debts, they should not still be listed individually--they have been legally eliminated. I have read of people complaing about this in other threads. Mine were reporting that way on TransUnion and Equifax. I don't think that Experian did. However, I was not credit educated at all until about a year and a half ago, so it did not bother me.

    Do not send them any BK papers under any circumstance!

    Hope this helps. I'll keep thinking.


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