But at least they seem to have a sense of humor, unlike the blowhards at the collections boards, who like to fancy themselves as modern-day Untouchables, or something. The repo board even has a member who goes by the handle of GW Bush. Can you picture that? In some parallel universe, growing up without daddy's money, a young Dubya, despondent after having failed his GED exam for the fourth time, lands work as a repo man. Or an automobile recoveration specializer, as he puts it. wajaba
Normally people think of cars being repo'ed, but here's a company that repossesses livestock! http://www.lienenforcement.com/uslb Watch out, all creditnet ranchers behind in your loan with Farmer's Mercantile Bank ;-)
Next to a gigolo or Navy SEAL, that must be one of the coolest jobs ever, and I mean that in the most reverent, un-ironic way. That's about as close as we'll get to being a real cowboy, in this day and age. Hmm...I wonder if they have anything on monster.com? wajaba