I just got a letter in the mail regarding an old debt from Conserve (CA). I am mailing off a validation letter today. Has anyone ever had any dealing with this collection agency? Thanks.
did you first dispute the acct with the CRA? next is the debt out of SOL third if you mailing a request for validation make sure its out of SOL so you don't open a can of worms second be sure to use CMRRR
well, this hasn't hit my credit report. for some reason, this account never has. at one point some other CA had this and i was paying it monthly. that was before i found creditnet. when i asked for validation, they disappeared. that was a year ago. i guess they've sold it to someone else now. i mailed it CMRR (i have learned well during my time here)!!
conserve called me pretty quickly. i told the rep that i did not want to be contacted by phone, only in written correspondence. he told me that i had to put that in writing and send it to them. i will do that today. then, he proceeded to ask me about the amout. i reiterated that i did not wish to discuss the matter over the phone. so, i am going to write a short letter asking for no telephone contact and reminding them that the clock is still ticking on their 30 days. does that sound right? also, i looked up alabama sol on creditinsiders.com (the links here are dead) and it says 6 years. this is an amount owed to a school. is it governed by the 6 years? if so, should i wait the 30 days and then inform conserve that they are trying to collect an outdated debt?
If you were paying on it a year ago to another CA you need to check your state laws and make sure that didnt reset the SOL.
nope, not a loan, but it is an amount owed to a university. here's my initial story: http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...php?s=&threadid=49981&perpage=20&pagenumber=1
another question: looks like conserve has pulled my credit. can they do that since we haven't established (thru validation) that this is my debt and they have the right to attempt to collect from me? is this a violation?
also, the letter that conserve sent me had the original amount + collection fees. the amount that i had (stupidly) paid monthly to the first CA has not been subtracted from the amount now being shown. a little fishy, no? i have been away from the boards for a while and have been trying to catch up on my reading here. i'm seeing alot about time-barred c&d. so, here's another question: i went delinquent on this in 97, started making payments to CA in 99 or 2000. sent CA validation letter last year and they disappeared. for SOL purposes, do i use the 97 date? please note that NONE of this has shown up on any of my credit reports. if i can use the 97 date, should i just send conserve the time-barred c&d? this amount is owed to a university. how is that categorized? as a promissory note?
First you need to call the University or whoever you got the loan through and see if there is a promissory note. When was the last day you acutally paid on it? You need to check your state laws and look into the SOL for them. You might have reset it by paying CA1.
If you have proof that they received your validation letter before they pulled your credit, it would be grounds for a violation
no such luck, it seems that they pulled it before they contacted me initially...probably to get a current address since i have moved. but, since they already have the validation request, they can't report it to the CRAs until the provide me with complete validation. hopefully, they'll either go away or they'll mess up and attempt to collect again, in which case i'll have some violations. darn! i just thought about it! when they contacted me via phone, they had already recieved the validation request!! that's a violation. he recited the mini-miranda. shoot! i don't have anything to prove that. :-(
for people who record their calls with CAs and OCs, how much equiptment is involved? is it expensive?
Radio Shack sells a device for about $25 that attaches to your phone and to any portable tape recorder
update: i sent DV out, like i said i would and i have not recieved anything. at this point, it's almost 2 months. question: can i go after CA1 for selling this account to CA2? is that considered continuing collection activity? (remember: CA1 never responded to DV either) also, is there something i can send to CA2 so they won't bother me anymore?
NO - CA #1 did not validate, and did not continue collection activities (since they did not provide your requested validation) YES - the DV letter!
UPDATE!! i checked my voicemail messages (i'm bad about that, i had messages back from september) and i had 2 messages from conserve in november!! i accidently deleted one, but i saved the other! that's a violation! okay, so how do i use this? do i contact them via letter or what?