Ever see this?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by woofer, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine applied for a credit increase with GE money bank.(ebay)
    She was denied and the reasons stated...
    Present and past delinquencies on trades
    83 Trades with Present and Past Delinquency
    #Traded with delinquency in last 12 months
    Age of oldest Bankcard trade.

    I had checked her CR's and did see 2 C0's 4 years ago, and one late payment on her mortgage.
    There are 9 positives, and I only saw the 3 negs.
    As for the bankcard trade what is this?
    Her bank card is 20 years old, and her debit card is 6.
    She has one cc with a line of credit of 3K which she owes 500 on and has never been late.
    So what is this about 83 TRADES????
    This was on EQ.
    Thanks for any help and or info.
  2. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    How old was this credit report you checked for her? Was it a current one? Was it from Equifax or was it through a pull service? If it's a older credit report she needs to get current copies of all 3 credit reports as soon as possible and check them over good.

    3 possibilities come to mind:

    1. Split file?
    2. Identity fraud? ack!
    3. Glitch? Typo?

    She needs to check that out asap. Hopefully it was a glitch or a typo & she could recon with a correct report.
    Pull her current reports, she can get a free one through Equifax due to credit denial.

    This needs checking out, I hope it is just a glitch.

  3. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    I just did the 3 for 1 and looked at al three of her files.
    Tried to get an online freebie from EQ but nothing would go thru,as it said CR could not be viewed on line.
    Her CR doesn't show anything that is unusual, and she has 17 accounts, 11 opened 6 closed and three derogatories.
    I think it is a typo but what can I do about it?
  4. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Personally I would call them and state that according to the letter she received that inaccurate information is present and she would like that to be reviewed. Worst that can happen is they say no anyways. If the CLI request was done recently it should still be present in thier records and be able to pull up the request and denial.

    Sounds like you have ruled out any problems with her actual credit reports. If online access to Equifax can't be gotton then arrange to have her mailed one. A tri-pull is not always 100% correct, a manual review of an actual report is always recommended.

    They may deny anyways for any number of reasons, not much to be done about that. It's looking more & more like a glitch, the 83 was prob supposed to be just a 3. But that is speculation on my part.

    Have her call them.


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