Evidence for removal

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jd937, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    Hey all, I wanted to ask you if it is a good idea to use a deletion from one CRA as evidence for another CRA to remove? I've gotten several tradelines removed from Experian with some work but not from the other two. Am I best to try disputing it with the others or to submit the paperwork from EX showing the deletions? Or will the wake a sleeping giant and open me to reinserition?
  2. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    bump bump.
  3. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    Short answer: Just because Sears gave you a refund doesn't mean Macy's will, no matter what you say.

    Try, but don't be disappointed if it doesn't succeed.
  4. jd937

    jd937 Well-Known Member

    ???? confused.
  5. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    What one CRA does is not binding on any other. They are independent entities.

    If your argument was strong enough to convince one to delete, the others might. But it is no guarantee.

    The only way you can compel the other two is through a law suit in which you prevail.

    "Just because Sears gave you a refund doesn't mean Macy's will, no matter what you say." They are independent entities acting on their own policies and procedures. Same situation nere.

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