Thanks for the reply. I have read the FCRA, but I get confused and nervous when dealing with my own situation. I haven't received the investigation results from any of the CRA's. This account shows up on two. It wasn't listed as disputed on either. I hope they verify this account with the CRA's so I can use that against them! That would be four violations. Definately leverage! We'll see....
Wait a minute. I just thought of something. This account was charged off by the OC. This credit union was purcahsed by another credit union. Anything in the portfolio that was in default at the time that the new credit union purchased the old credit union becomes subject to the FDCPA because the new credit union is considered a debt collector for the purposes of debt collection. Violations: *Failure to validate = 1 violation *Failure to notify 2 CRA's that account was in dipute = 2 violations ++Hopefully - Verifying a debt during validation = 2 violations Oh yeah. This could be interesting.
If you want to remove files completely from your computer, install a free trial of add/remove plus (I hate sounding like an ad!!) - you can find it at: You can also clean your system registry of aol entries along with other things that might be hanging around from deleted programs, games, etc. by going to ZDNET (another free trial) and downloading System Mechanic: I'm not saying that it will take care of all your aol problems, nor am I saying that these utilities are 100% guaranteed, but I have used both with great success. I usually trust info from ZDNET. Lastly a caveat - be very very careful when dealing with your registry entries. One wrong move and your whole system could be inaccessible. Luckily, System Mechanic helps you through most of it. Good luck in removing the files you don't want!
You need to be sure that when your bank says they will "notify Chex systems of the paid NSF charges, that they also REMOVE YOUR LISTING from Chex, otherwise, you will be in CHEX-HELL for five years to come, and will not be able to obtain or keep a checking account while listed. Even if they list the NSFs as paid, you will still have a negative listing in CHEX, make sure they remove you all together.