Ex. Green Card CHOD no dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chitown, Dec 9, 2002.

  1. chitown

    chitown Well-Known Member


    I am a newbie and have been at this since September. This site is the best thing since slice bread.

    Can you help me with my story. I received my green card back from Ex. CHOD stamped 12/03. I called them today they have nothing in dispute. I disputed several late pays. I have not recieved any correspondence saying the dispute is denied either. What would my next step be? Wait it out for 35 days and demand deletion?


    "In it to win"
  2. lefty44

    lefty44 Well-Known Member

    Hello. I'm a "newbie" as well. I've only done two rounds of disputes with the CRAs, and neither has run the full 30 days of yet.

    But, I thought I'd share my experience with Experian thus far.

    1. I believe if you count 5 business days from Dec. 3rd, you haven't given them enough time as of Monday the 9th.

    2. In my first letter, I disputed two items. Exp wrote back regarding one of the two to request add'l info/clarification. They did not indicate that item was in dispute on my report until they rec'd my reply to their request. The other item they deleted pronto. Once they rec'd my reply to their request, they did mark the item as being in dispute.

    3. In my second letter, I disputed 3 items. They marked two of the items as being in dispute on the 5th business day from the day they received my letter. A couple of days later, I received a request for more info/clarification letter from them in re to the 3rd item which they did not yet mark as being in dispute.

    4. Both times they wrote back to request add'l info, the date on their letter was within the 5 business days, but I didn't receive until a few days subsequent.

    If it were me, I'd give it until Friday or so to conclude anything. If you don't receive a letter requesting add'l info or indicating that they regard your dispute as being frivilous, then I believe for them to not mark your items as being in dispute within 5 "business" days is a violation.

    The letters I've received requesting more info say: "We are responding to your request to verify information appearing on your personal credit report. The item(s) listed below could not be ivestigated because you did not tell us specifically why the information is inaccurate. Please send us detailed reasons why the information is inaccurate, then we will be able to begin our verification process."

    In my reply back, I repeated that they were reporting erroneous and misleading information and cited one of the items from the tradeline that was inaccurate...such as balance due when it was paid-off. I didn't cite more than one item from that tradeline that was wrong because if it comes back verified, I want to be able to dispute again without them coming back to say they've already verified the same info. I asked for deletion of that item because the tradeline is so grossly inaccurate that it is completely misleading. Don't have the results yet.

    What I've done is signed-up for the free 30-day trial on their website in order to pull my reports. I'd consider doing that and checking each day this week to see if the items show-up as being in dispute.

    Absent a letter from them asking for more info or indicating that they feel your dispute is frivilous, if your items aren't marked as being disputed within 5 "business" days from receipt, then if it were me, I'd then let the 30 days (calendar) run its course and then write to inform them of their violations and demand total deletion as per the law or I will pursue all available legal remedies. Such letter would lay out the timeline that has been documented by the use of CRRR mail and printed copies of personal credit report reflecting that items were not marked as being in dispute.

    Just what I'd do, but I'm new at this.

  3. chitown

    chitown Well-Known Member


    You maybe a "newbie", but your advice sounds pretty good as far as my knowledge. Thanks again...I'll keep you posted to whether I here from them by Friday or Monday. Good luck with your investigations.


    "In it to Win"
  4. lefty44

    lefty44 Well-Known Member

    Chitown, just to make sure I didn't confuse anything. I'd be sure to check my credit report late tomorrow (Tues) and again late Wed. to see if your disputed tradelines are so indicated, printing a hard copy each time.

    I believe the 10th is the 5th business day from Dec. 3rd. I'd sign-up for the free 30-day trial...Experian lets you pull a new version every day. I'd make sure I had a printed copy from the end of the 5th business day and again at the end of the 6th business day just to be safe. If they haven't marked as being in dispute and don't send you a letter requesting info or citing as frivilous, then you have proof of a violation.

    As you probably concur, one thing I garnered from this community is that we must document, document, document....we want them to commit violations and then use our documentation of such as leverage to accomplish our desired result. Another thing I'm learning from the community is to plan ahead for the possible outcomes...think ahead to the possible future scenarios when doing something now so that you are fully prepared when the situation plays out.

    Thanks for sharing your situation/experience....I think us "newbies" can learn from each other as well by sharing our experiences as they are unfolding.

  5. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    Hi guys

    As I posted on another thread, I sent my chod disputes in on 11/22, Exp stamped Green Cds 11/26
    but the disputes were not up on my CR until 12/5.
    I further investigated and found out that EX will conclude investigations by 12/25.
    hope this helps
  6. lefty44

    lefty44 Well-Known Member

    Hi kalinka. I guess if one counted the day after Thanksgiving as a holiday, then your disputed tradelines were marked as being in dispute on the 5th business day (28th & 29th holidays; 30th & 1st weekend days).

    I must've missed your thread. How did the others view your situtiation? Did they view it as Exp marking as in dispute on the 5th or 6th business day? Was it considered a violation? And out of curiosity, did you pull your report at 11:59 p.m. Texas time on 12/4?

    I guess if I were a judge who isn't symphathetic to consumers, given the circumstances of a Thanksgiving Holiday, I might find that your report being marked as in dispute on 12/5 as being done so within the 5 business days. Might depend on whether Experian was open for business on the day after Thanksgiving or not. I presume, given the nature of their business, that they were open...but I don't know that for a fact. I do know that I'd hate to be the one in court asserting a one-day violation given the circumstances of the dates you mentioned.

  7. charityg

    charityg Well-Known Member

    A suggestion for pulling your Experian report to check on investigations (someone posted this about a week ago, I'm sorry I can't remember who!).

    If you go online, and click request investigation, then enter the report number that you used for your CHOD dispute, you will be able to see an updated copy of your report.

    Then you don't need the CreditExpert trial.

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