
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ximenezd, Jan 24, 2002.

  1. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    I just started reviewing my credit report and found some credit cards that my ex still has but he has his current wife as the 2nd authorized person and not me anymore is there anything I can do to have these removed from my credit and if so what are they.

  2. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    walk in my shoes and get my blisters let me carry you and we share the blisters!
  3. FU-TU

    FU-TU Well-Known Member

    DX how can you tell that you are not authorized on the cards anymore from the credit report?

    Apparently you are still listed on the account?
  4. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    yes I have called all of the credit agents like sears and Zales and I have not been listed on these cards since may 1998 and bealls and mervys were only under me and i paid them off and was never late.

  5. FU-TU

    FU-TU Well-Known Member

    Get the information from Sears in writing, stating that you were not on the account and send to credit agency asking for deletion, that the account is not mine.

    Dispute the Bealls account with credit agency saying never late. They have to verify in 30 days or delete.
  6. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    thanks but what letter do i send to have them validate the claim or what
  7. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    Hey guess what I just looked at my report and bealls has been removed wwwooooo yaayayaya...

  8. elsocete

    elsocete Active Member

    When I went through a divorce in 1998, I was listed as an authorized user on several of wife's accts (Sears, Wachovia VISA, etc.)

    I contacted those companies and requested by phone that they remove my referencesto those accounts and provide me a letter in writing stating this fact. They all complied and those accounts were removed from my credit reports.

    I think it is important that you request them to send you a letter in writing and ALWAYS ask for the name of the rep you speak to and/or rep number (way to identify who you speak with). This is because they will take you more seriously since you can now hold them accountable if they do not follow through. Most people will do their jobs if they know that they are being scrutinized.
  9. ximenezd

    ximenezd Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that input I really wanted some information from someone that had been in my shoes and fixed thier problem I understand now and I did talk to one of them and I was faxed a letter stating that my name had been removed from the account on 8/13/1998. So I am going to mail that and a letter so that it is removed from my report..3down 14 more to go....DX

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