EX turned down my dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by QUEEN_BEE, Dec 21, 2001.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I sent a dispute in to EX. They sent back the original letter and said that I need to include my ssn (which I did forget to include). I feel like that was a delay tactic. If a creditor can report info without a ssn, they should have been able to investigate without a ssn. Made the same 'clerical' error with TU, and they investigated anyway...

    Any opinions?
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    TU just did the same to me told me to put SSN# on it and ITS ON THERE RIGHT NEXT TO MY NAME!
    I'm getting a creepy feeling this board is STILL being watched! They're on to our CHOD...lol

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