Ex-wife's BK 7 is on my CR

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by crowhop85, Jul 13, 2004.

  1. crowhop85

    crowhop85 Member

    I'm new the board and just pulled my CR for the first time in forever. I noticed that my ex-wife's BK7 is showing up on my report for our marital house that I still live in. The house has been sold, we're doing the closing shortly but I need to get that notation off my CR. Where do I start? Yes, she was the co-borrower. The divorce decree read that the house be sold and the profit split. However, its sslloooww housing market and took forever to move.
  2. kiloecho

    kiloecho Member

    Do you have a provision in your decree that addresses BK? You should have been notified of the BK by the trustee or the court and that debt should not have been included in the BK if you have been making payments on the home. You can probably dispute that off your CR. My ex was threatening BK and the one account that I had with my ex told me that they could report that it was included in the BK only on his report, and report mine differently.
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member


    The divorce decree read that the house be sold and the profit split.
    crowhop85 |
    The divorce decree has nothing to do with this.

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