I had a paid collection I disputed(again) a few weeks ago drop off Equifax. The collector was Credit Management LP for Comcast. Original amount $438 (damned if I know where they got that from, I paid $97 to pay it in full, not settle). Opened 7/2004. Paid 3/2007. My Equifax FAKO went from 606 to 684!!! I know it's only a FAKO, but it hasn't hit myFICO yet (those automatic updates are at least 1 week, maybe 2 weeks slow), and I've found the moves between TC and myFICO to be pretty similar so far... The only other change (no balnce changes either) is another collection account, paid in full for $37, OC also Comcast, CA EQUIDATA, opened 11/2005 is reported as Consumer disputes this item. But it's been reported like that since 2-3 days after I disputed both of these collections and the change in my FAKO only occurred today, when the other one dropped off.
OK, my bad. I realized when I got my myFICO e-mail today about my EQ score increasing 83 points that I had also disputed a 30-day late with Crap1 from this past January which no longer says it's in dispute (as it's been saying for 3 weeks or so since the dispute), it's just been removed from my EQ report. Needless to say, I immediately disputed the late pay with TU and EX as well.