EXCELLENT news....re CA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Mar 15, 2002.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Well I have a clean Equifax report now that I went and applied for 3 things last night that pulled it :(

    The collection agency I was going to sue on Monday faxed a letter today:

    Ms Christi,

    Please be advised that all information regarding the above referenced accounts will be deleted in its entirety from your credit bureau files. We have set up your accounts to have this information deleted from all three major credit-reporting bureaus. We electronically transmit once a month. Please allow 30 days for the change to appear. If you have any questions please contact me immediately at
    555-555-1212 or

    Now I wished I had waited to apply for AMEX until these are removed. Will they do a manual reconsideration and Citibank as well?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Absolutely, wait a bit for the listings to be updated (check your report online if you can or you might want re-order it to be sure it is updated) and have the CRA send updated copies to ANY and ALL creditors that denied you credit. It is YOUR right and all of them will send the updated reports to the creditors that denied you.

    Most companies keep your application on file for 30 days so do it kind of quickly. I know for a fact that Amex will reconsider without another application for 30 days (Citi should do that as well).

    I did this with Cap1 (my first reconstruction card) and it worked like a charm.

    -Peace, Dave

    PS Congratulations, and I am glad you decided not to ignore posting anymore to the board! :)
  3. lbrown.

    lbrown. New Member

    You are a moron. I can't wait till my reports are all clean so I can apply for ever credit card under the sun!!!
  4. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    ..And you are a dipshit!! What's your point? If applying for 3 cards is every card under the sun, you need to get out of that cave you're living in. If I really wanted to apply for every card under the sun I would have done it.

    The day you have fraudulent accounts on your report that you have NO idea how the hell they got there and deal with it for 2.5 yrs and FINALLY get it fixed via a lawsuit, then you can judge me. Until then..

    (_!_) KMA
  5. lbrown.

    lbrown. New Member

    The truth hurts :0) Foul language is usually a sign of ignorance. So how many credit cards have you applied for in the last two weeks? You should also revise your credit score as they have to be lower now that you have so many new accounts and inquiries to boot.

    Have a nice day Forrest!!
  6. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    So we have a new "bobby" under the guise of lbrown. Interesting userid to choose for picking a fight on your first post.

    IP shows:
    Bank of America (NETBLK-BARONET)
    2000 Clayton Road
    Concord, CA 94520

    Netname: BARONET
    Netblock: -

    Bank of America Corporation (ZB29-ARIN) hostmaster@bankofamerica.com

    Domain System inverse mapping provided by:


    Record last updated on 17-May-2000.
    Database last updated on 14-Mar-2002 19:58:16 EDT.
  7. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Yes, the truth hurts, but I'm NO Moron you truly are a dipshit and have proved that over time by your paranoid delusional thoughts and posts.

    On TU I have applied for:
    Bank of America ~ approved $8800
    Generations Bank ~ approved $6000
    Chase (did NOT apply did reconsideration) denied

    State Farm Visa ~ approved $7500
    MBNA (reconsideration) denied
    JC Penney ~ unknown
    Everbank ~ denied
    First USA ~ denied

    Target ~ approved $200
    AMEX ~ denied
    Mervyn's ~ unknown

    Oh, my Trans Union is actually HIGHER now thank you by +38 points so let me change it to 790.

    Experian is now -5 so it's 664, I'll change it.

    Equifax is higher today +13 points to 636 so I'll change that as well.
  8. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    hey pat, i'm no guru on that stuff you just posted. so based on those ip addresses, is that indicating that someone is impersonating the llbrown person?
  9. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member


    You don't owe this "person" any answers. You did notice that it's lbrown. not lbrown59, and that their first and second posts are to you.
  10. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    When you first register for an ID on the board, it captures your current IP address. It could be anybody, but they were on Bank of America's internet connection when they registered the lbrown id.

    Our own lbrown59 registered from his AOL account. Not saying the two couldn't be the same person.

    The board captures IP addresses for every post, so PBM has the ability to relate an ID to multiple IP addresses that they were using when posting.
  11. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    i haven't been around a heck of a long time but i do know that lbrown59 posts here a lot. i thought it kind of odd that lbrown59 would just come out shooting like that. he/she(lbrown59) seems to start a little slower than that and then build up velocity.

    i guess whoever that moron is impersonating lbrown59 has been lurking about and based on the postings used him to start some stuff with christi. i guess the jerk is a tad bit jealous of her.
  12. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member


    I guess I owe the "real" lbrown an apology. I got just a little pissed at that moment. Dang, one of these days my mouth is gonna get me in trouble..lol.

    LBrown59 if you read this "sorry if I offended you" :)
  13. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    as Pat said, we don't know for sure that it isn't lbrown59. i guess we'll just have to wait for the real lbrown59 to stand up!! LOL
  14. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I don't think it is...because he would have quoted me and messed it up about 5 times in the one quote and he would have answered about 5 times in a row to say the same thing and he would still be answering it.........lmao.
  15. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    LMBO!!! BofA is busted!!!! No question that this was a BofA employee. Bet they could get fired over this if PMB wanted to contact BofA about one of their employees harrassing members of this board.

  16. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the laugh :)
  17. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

  18. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  19. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Christi - how come u were denied First USA, Everbank, and the others?? I thought your EXP was clean??
  20. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    "excessive inquiries" 4-5 on Experian

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