Last month I figured out that I have two files at Experian. When my creditors inquire they get a file with only seven accounts. When I access my file with CE, I get another file with twenty-four accounts. Promotional inquiries are here. Hard inquiries are on the other file. When I called Exp 4/5, I had to call twice before somebody would do anything other than tell me it is not possible. I was finally sent to a group called the "Professionals". A very rude person finally said they would have to merge my files and it would take thirty days. The person would not give me any way to reference the call, such as a name,employee or badge number, case number. Thirty days has passed so I called back to go through the whole "it can't happen" routine again. Then I got sent back to the "Professionals". Nothing has been done, and this "Professional" said she couldn't do anything and transferred me to her supervisors voice mail box. Of course I have no telephone number to call anybody back. Anybody dealt with the "Professionals"? Any insight into who they are, or how to deal with them would be helpful. Any other ideas on how to motivate them to correct my report would be appreciated.
Maybe try calling the Attorney General or the FTC and see what they can do. Don't you live in Texas? I have heard that the Att Gen is very helpful here. Charlie
Odd, I was told just the opposite: that I have a "split file" and that it's entirely possible and "happens a lot" The main culprit seems to be some creditor transposed 3 digits in my SSAN and so I have a credit file with 3 accounts (wrong) but at least they're all good and another file with the other 15+ tradelines.