Experian Credit Expert Cred Report Updates?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by royalnbn, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    Anyone sign up for Credit Expert with Experian? Do they ever update your report or score? They are stuck on my initial report and score. I can only see that changes have been made by starting a dispute which generates a current report. If they don't update then that 9.95 a month can be better spent elsewhere.

    I can update the TU and EQ report everyday. Am I missing something with EX?
  2. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    I've had it a few weeks..it updated once.
    Go to summarry and at the bottom it should say "View" it will have new and old reports available.
    I added accounts and it sent me alerts they were added, but my score has never changed.
  3. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I am not satisfied with there product. I have turned into a credit report junkie. I need my credit score fix, especially since I have had deletions without seeing what effects are.

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