Something very strange has happened to my experian file over the past 2 weeks. I have had a total of 4 deletions of good accounts without any contact or dispute by me to either them or the banks. My capital 1 has disappeared as well as my getsmart and best buy account. One of my student loans has also been mysteriously deleted. The only current account I have left is a smaller student loan and my oldest credit card which is about to age 2 years next month. Activity on the deleted accounts has been highly active for the past 2 months and my balances have closed relatively high which seems somewhat good because some of those accounts are less than 6 months old including my AMEX which is about 3 months old and currently only shows on my TU. All my balances should be much lower in a few months which seems the best time for me to contact those creditors to put those good accounts back on. On an ironic twist during these past 2 months I have been approved for 2 separate loans which have helped me financed a new car. The catch is that these loans were individual loans and not auto so I have no lien on my new car and no one else has any ownership on the car other than me. It is also good that these new loans have yet to show up on my reports and that they both inquired with EX and TU which I have had no hard inquiries with in the past year. The bulk of my inquiries have been with EQ. The bottom line is that EX has virtually wiped out my balance to limit ratio as well as my debt to income ratio. In addtion to that, all the accounts that I have opened within the past year are mysteriously absent. Of course, before any of these accounts are paid to zero, I will make sure that the banks will show them on all my reports with the most current information
Did you ever sign up for Junum? I ask because about 2 weeks ago I got a call from Credit Data Southwests atty. asking why I was disputing accts no longer on my report and accts in good standing. Nothing reappeared and nothing positive was deleted. It turns out, Junum, who I cancelled last June, sent a dispute, hand written and signed with my name, to experian in January. It was mailed from Santa Ana, Cal. They still deny they did this. If that isn't the case, then I would just call experian and ask what they are doing.
Today, I had a 2 year old positive auto loan mysteriously disappear. I call Experian and they said the creditor did it. I called the creditor and they laughed and said "No way". I called Experian back and was on hold for about 20 minutes while they investigated. She gets back on and says a certain "code" had ben placed on the account, tellin git to disappear from report as of today. She said it may have come from within Experian, possibly a bug or glitch with their system. She told me they will remove the code so it SHOULD reappear later today or tomorrow. Interesting.....................
It's funny you mentioned that, The Exact same thing happened to a buddy of mines, but it was Equifax.. He had about 45 tradelines, 15 good and 30 either chargeoff, collection accts and liens... Now he only has 10 tradelines now 5 good accounts and 5 bad accounts... He was telling me about the weird event and what should he do.... A ton ob bad debts are gone but he's lost 10 good things, and 4 that are relatively new. I told him to contact the creditors that are good and aren't showing up and complain that the tradelines aren't showing up all of the sudden. Last week 2 of the missing 10 show up, but only after he contacted those creditors.... Talking about a Major gift in 2002.....
PRIN T YOUR REPORT, where it shows it gone!!! Then keep an eye out for it, when it reappears, give the CRA 5 days to notify you, if they dont SUE EM!!!