Experian denied inv. what's next?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by zhenya, Dec 2, 2002.

  1. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    'updated' means that they updated some information, 'remains' means that the tradeline remains unchanged.
  2. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    9 days since CRRR and still no sign of investigation by EXP. Also, no green cards either.
  3. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    I suspect they really have a backlog - did you check online with the post office to see if the mail was delivered to EX?

  4. jerry

    jerry Member

    This is yet another ploy by many of the credit reporting agencies not to investigate items during this time of season. As the previous posting I would resubmit my letter with the intent to seek legal counsel if they fail to perfom their duties as require by law. Be sure that you maintain copies of all of your mail and the returned reciept green card. This will be your defense if you must take this to small claim court and which you will most likely have the item removed and seek damages as well.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board, jerry!
  6. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I am not a person who immediately jumps to a "conspiracy theory." I do, however, find it very suspicous that SOOOO many of us have received the EXP form letter. Mine said "not enough specific info to investigate." I reread my dispute and could not come up with anything more concrete. They said the credit limit was $2K. I say it should be $3k. What else could I have said about this???? I think my dispute came in and they very promptly sent out a generic letter that would stop that dispute in its tracks.
  7. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    EXP got my disputes on 12/2. Nothing showing in dispute yet on CE.

    I'm getting scared to check the mail, LOL. Your dispute was pretty specific and you got the "not specific enough" letter? Geez. They're asking for lawsuits.
  8. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member

    In all three of my CHOD disputes, I started out my letters by disputing at least one invalid item regarding either the mis-spelling of my name, previous addresses, employment history, etc... In doing so, it makes it next to impossible for them to deny the dispute as "frivolous" because this non-tradeline information is obviously innacurate, has never been disputed before, and is very difficult to verify.

    This won't prevent them from listing my real disputes as "previously verified", but it does - in theory - guarantee that they will do at least a partial investigation.

    If you have already received a "frivolous" letter, you may want to try again using this tactic.
  9. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Ok, I logged on the the usps website. Both CRRR disputes were received on November 29th. Nothing showing online so I am worried about "the letter".
  10. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    Just got off the phone with a client, who had also recieved the "previously investigated" letter in response to her CHOD letters. She decided to call them back and try disputing over the phone instead, well lo and behold, they told her, the item had already been deleted!!!!

    My next question is, What if they are just going to delete ALL the "previously investigated" tradelines that are currently being disputed? As this is only 1 case, it might be interesting if the rest of you who have recieved the "previously investigated" letter called up to redispute or find out the status of the investigation.
  11. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    You may be right Marc. as I said in a previous post. One of my chod disputes
    never made it to the "disputed" status, it was deleted
    by exp.
  12. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Ryder, that is a good tip! I hadn't thought of that one!
  13. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    Marc, I know this is not the case with me. I wish. When I go online and look at my report I can both tradelines there. They are not marked in dispute (and not deted) I will try calling them tomorrow morning as well.
  14. islandboy

    islandboy Well-Known Member


    I had the same thing happen with one of my disputed items. I checked CE this past Mon to see if they recieved my dispute letters and they already deleted one of the items I disputed, although no other items were being investigated.

    I just talked to a CSR at EXP a few minutes ago about an item that was in investigation on Tues and on Wed it was not. It does not even say it was verified. The CSR said that the CA already verified the item. If that is the case it seems that they did this is in one day.
  15. jerry

    jerry Member

    what concern me the most in all of the posting here is the failure to only deal with the CRAs by phone. Calling on the phone and getting a verbal answer is not enough to conclud that the item was actually removed or even investigated. I urged all of you when dealing with the credit reporting agencies, collections or any other creditors to only deal with them black and white. Your letters and certified receipt would be considered strong evidence in a court of law. Remember, that if they fail to follow which is required by law then you can take them to small claim court. This would be your best re-course of action. Just recently in another dicussion format of this type, the responder went ahead in paid the creditor through a verbal agreement that they would remove the item once he may his payment. Well the payment was made in full and yet the items still appear on the creditor report as PAID COLLECTION. Now he would have go through the process of disputing with the CRA's in the hope that cannot verifiy the item or the collection agency decide not answer the CRA's.

  16. sl1029

    sl1029 Well-Known Member

    Experian investigated my NextCard TL in August, but didn't do a complete update (i.e. changed account status to closed, but still showing a balance when the account had been paid off).

    They wouldn't do another investigation unless I sent them additional info....

    So, I tracked down a copy of my cancelled check (front and back) and mailed it to them Nov. 22 CRRR. Yesterday I received a letter saying that they couldn't use the information I provided! WTF???? What else could they possibly want to prove a payoff?

    I just got off hte phone w/ them and the CSR said she was going to have the item reinvestigated....we'll see.....
  17. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    Here is the update to the Experian Story

    I sent them the letter and received 2 green cards yesterday. My credit report now shows one of the items in dispute and the other one is not.

    I wander if I should call them and find out how come the other one is not, or just wait for a letter from them.

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