Experian dispute => Success

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Saar, Dec 7, 2000.

  1. Saar

    Saar Banned

    I got a letter from Experian a few days ago.

    I asked that they update my Capital One entry to reflect the TRUE credit limit. I also asked that they remove an obsolete address and an account that wasn't mine.

    They've taken their time investigating, but eventually did everything exactly the way I wanted. They've sent me a short-version credit report to reflect that.

    For the record, all this was done through CBA Information Services, a NJ-based Experian affiliate.

  2. Donna

    Donna Well-Known Member

    RE: Experian dispute => Suc


    That's great news! Maybe Experian's investigation took a while but the results were certainly worth waiting for.

  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: Post your letter please

    If you don't mind. We'd like to see the letters used for our own personal gain :)

    thanks in advance.
  4. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    RE: Experian dispute => Suc

    That's great news Saar, I recently did this with experian too regarding my hubby and I's limits with Citi. Looking forward to receiving my updated reports. I did seperately dispute his address and they corrected in 2 weeks pretty fast, the limits are taking them longer.
  5. me2

    me2 Guest

    RE: Experian dispute => Suc

    I have found Experian to be very helpful. I was able to dispute information over the phone with them and they deleted it on the spot.

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