Experian Down?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bsutton21, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. bsutton21

    bsutton21 Well-Known Member

    I tried to go online and check experian today, anyone else having probs?
  2. woops

    woops Well-Known Member

    Nope, just went and pulled my report. No problems.
  3. jjstar

    jjstar Member

    I also just received an email from Experian this afternoon and checked in online.
    (btw - email was investigation results - item deleted!!)
  4. woops

    woops Well-Known Member

    There are reports of spotty outages all over the internet. Some people said they received a message that Experian was preforming some type of system maint. today. Perhaps try again later or tomorrow. I'm still able to get on with no problem.

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