experian FYI

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lin, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. lin

    lin Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    Have been lurking and reading... reading.... reading.... and
    trying to get as much knowledge as most of you have.

    I finally noticed something on my EX reports today that may be of interest.
    They are now showng the date for closed TL's to be removed! You
    no longer have to call and ask for that info.

    If you have an old report number you can hit "review report again"
    and get an updated report with those dates on it.

    I have learned so much here and I hope this helps some of you.

  2. acegirl

    acegirl Well-Known Member

    what do you mean "review the report again" with updates on it? Will this be free? I know that last time i checked my credit report was about 2 months or so ago and i know i had some negatives that were to be removed by june. So can i get an update copy for free?
  3. lin

    lin Well-Known Member

    Hi Acegirl,

    Go to their site.
    On left you'll see "view report again" After you click that
    you'll need your report # from the report that you pulled.

    " with it have updates on it? " YES
    "Will this be free?" YES
    "So can i get an update copy for free" YES

  4. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    Great info. Was inquiring about the removal when you posted this info. It was like you were reading my mind. Freaky.
  5. lin

    lin Well-Known Member

    Also royalnbn, you have to hit "print report" in order to see the fall off

    Glad I could help. I've been reading a lot of sites and don't like to answer
    others questions yet as I still feel pretty green.


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