Experian has reaged account big tim

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sirrowan, Sep 5, 2002.

  1. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    I am getting ready to send a dipute letter to Experian. They have re-age tons of my accounts.

    I can't decide which approach to take.

    1. This is not my account

    2. This account has been re-aged from its original date and ask for complete removal. If I take this route, they will know that it is my account.


  2. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member

    Did you already dispute once and this resulted in the re-aging?

    If so, what are you admitting by saying that the account was re-aged? Especially if it was changed to the date they verified, which is typical. You most certainly can say, without any admission, that you do not have an account that corresponds with the date Experian is showing.

    I'll try to dig up my dispute on a re-aged item that resulted in deletion...
  3. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    The re-aging occured after the accounts were paid off which is wrong. I just read a staff opinion letter from the FTC on reaging accounts and this is a summary of what it said.

    2. Is the reporting period extended if (A) the original creditor sells or transfers the account to another creditor, (B)the consumer responds to post-chargeoff collection efforts by making payment on the debt, or (C) the consumer disputes the account with a CRA? Does it matter whether the 7-year period has expired when any of these events occurs?

    No. ....Because the commencement of the seven year period is now described with some precision by the statute, it is our opinion that none of the subsequent events you listed--sale of the charged off account by the creditor, or a payment on or dispute about the account by the consumer--changes the allowable period for a CRA to report a chargeoff.

    Boy, this makes me happy.
  4. jambe

    jambe Well-Known Member


    Yeah, that's a different story. It's a last ditch effort by the CA to trash your credit, on the way out. I think you could just say "This item was illegally re-aged and should be deleted." or something like that.

    I'm sure there are others that have actually been in this situation and could offer much better advice :eek:)
  5. scout

    scout Well-Known Member

    I'm in a similar situation (with Experian and a CA). Not sure though where to apply pressure. I'm also hesitant to tell Experian "hey, you re-aged my account" because then they could just fix it and keep the thing there. I'd rather have the tradeline just dissapear... Since I'm not in a bug rush, I'll probably wait until CHOD and try a simple "not mine" dispute to see if I have any luck.
  6. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I would answer like this...

    "Did not have a charge off with Joe Blow Credit in 2000. (or whatever year it is reporting)

    You are not saying that it is not yours, you are stating that it did not happen at that time.

    If the CA confirms this date they have clearly violated the law. Sue 'em.

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