Experian is the Devil!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gevans10, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. gevans10

    gevans10 Active Member

    Experian verified a collection account even though I sent them a copy of the letter that the collector sent me saying that they would remove it from my credit report and absolved me of the debt!

    ETA: Copy
  2. Heather L

    Heather L Well-Known Member

    Wow! I am sorry that this has happen to you. Here is another example of the Experian and the Fair Isaac Corporation keeping someone's credit score low as they can make as much money as possible. Thanks! Heather with BoostMyScore.NET
  3. gevans10

    gevans10 Active Member

    I know Heather. I was prepared for this so I am going to shoot them a letter right back asking them how they verified and requesting that they provide me the name and number of the person(s) who verified the info. I'm not done with them yet.

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