And Equifax has killed my phone. Not the same thing as a turtle, granted. But still, so near to the 4th anniversary. What's TU gonna kill in 4 years?
I'm sorry, I've been so tied up in schoolwork that I haven't checked in for a while. Mark, condolences on the four-year anniversary of Stiffany's death. Given the history of this thread, I believe that she truly will live on forever here at CN. And, in case I don't get back soon, Happy Holidays to all.
Happy Holidays y'all! thanx for the memories (choke) Maybe SOMEDAY - we can get ALL the oldtimers to Vegas - for drinks, dinner, heart to hearts - now THAT would be an evening to remember
Merry Christmas, Mark and everyone else. And we need to come back to this thread in a week to wish Mark a happy new year.
Thanks Hedwig! Happy Birthday Mark! We'll have to try for lunch again sometime. I'm at the CBS Building on Wilshire every Saturday afternoon for the radio show, so maybe we could meet near there...
Well, Mark never even showed up to see who would celebrate his birthday. At least Quixote dropped by!!
Actually this is not so far fetched. There was an article several years ago where a JDB threatened to kill a persons dog unless she paid up. I also remember reading on a debt collectors board that some of the creeps thought that it was a good thing to do! Woofer