experian lawsuit service Question:

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by uniondiva, Mar 5, 2002.

  1. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    You serve the registered/authorized agent in your state.
  3. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: experian lawsuit service Questi

    Not every state requires that you serve an authorized agent in your state.

    Sorry for shouting in color, but I think this may be useful for somebody out there at some point. In my state, for example -- Tennessee -- you can bring a small claims suit against anyone or any corporation and have them served inside or outside of Tennessee. In fact, if you want the court to serve someone out of state they have a procedure whereby they deliver the summons to the Secretary of State of Tennessee at the state capitol whose office then makes arrangement to serve the out-of-state defendant. I didn't use the Secretary of State because I also wanted to have my own settlement letter served along with the summons, and I wasn't sure everything would get there together; for that reason, I hired my own process servers in Chicago (for Trans Union), Atlanta (for Equifax), and in Orange, CA (for Experian).

    Lizardking will speak for himself, but I thought it worthwhile to point out that his state -- Florida -- also doesn't require that one serve an in-state authorized agent. For that reason, he also hired process servers to serve the corporations directly at their out-of-state headquarters addresses.

    Bottom line: call your local court clerk and ask what's required.

    This has been a public service announcement.

  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: experian lawsuit service Questi

    Maybe I should have clarified what I was saying. Of course you don't have to serve the authorized agent in your state, but, that would most likely be the easiest and quickest way to effect service. You can serve a corporate officer at the corp. offices if you like, it just may take a little longer. But, I do agree that you should call the court and ask.
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: experian lawsuit service Questi

    Actually, LKH, I think your original statement was correct in some states. Some have reported that their small claims court requires in-state defendants only with anything else being referred to a superior court. All the various local requirements make it confusing.


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