Experian locked me out!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sal826, May 6, 2002.

  1. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    Can anyone explain why I've been banned from viewing my report online via Credit Expert - it's been over a week now since I've seen my report.

    The wonderful helpdesk at Credit Expert is a laughable group - they have no idea what the problem is so they cannot give me any help whatsoever.

    Anyone have any Idea whats going on?

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Still can't access mine and its been almost three weeks. Found out it might be the fraud alert (although I could view it for two weeks after I placed it), so I sent in a utility bill and a redacted copy of my dl to get it removed. Should have been removed by today (per their "allowed five days" policy), but no luck so far. If it goes over thirty days, I'll be asking for them to add a free month onto my subscription. I have had horrible withdrawals!

  3. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    All I know is that I've been pulling my report every day for the past three month - now all of a sudden I cant see them anymore.

    How are you handling this? was a psychiatrist necessary? :)

    Anyway, should I call experian or should I just wait? I have allot of items disputing and I really would like to know whats going on. Would it work if I pulled a report from another CR vendor? (desperation setting in?)

  4. DanceRat

    DanceRat Well-Known Member

    What message were you getting? I have the same problem and was getting "system temporarily unavailable - something something error cn_404. I called customer service and cancelled my service. They are going to recredit my card and then I am going to try again in two weeks.
  5. uhackthis

    uhackthis Well-Known Member

    Same problem here...My wife is able to look at hers, but my creditwatch reports ALL "0"s and not able to pull credit report.

    I called twice today: 1st person told me to disable security on my computer altogether. I told her that my wife could pull her info on the same computer...she was totally clueless. I basically got the "I don't know, I just work here" response. I called again and was told there may be a fraud watch on my report, but it could be technical issues too. Was promised a call back...never came.

    Personally, I think EQFX has their act together much more so than Experian...I'll call again tomorrow to see if I can get the info I need...
  6. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    Well I'm glad I'm not the only one with this issue.

    I have called experian directly, and the woman say she doesnt know why this is happening. She then proceeeds to give me the the phone number of Credit Expert tech support (these are the same idiots I have called 5 times now _ and they have no clue either (what kind of tech support is that?)

  7. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I was blocked out about six weeks ago after using it for six months with few problems. I tried calling six times and wrote them twice. No one ever called back. The only tech guy I spoke with said there is a way to fix it, but he did not have a clue (his words) as to how to do it.

    I finally cancelled and got a full refund. At first they said no refunds, but I kept trying.
  8. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    So what are you doing to get your report online right now?

    Are you still able to dispute your reports online? I cannot even dispute directly through experians online website.

    Have we been banned from accessing our own reports from online viewing?
  9. DanceRat

    DanceRat Well-Known Member

    Before I signed with either Experian or Equifax, I called and verified that after cancellation they will pro-rate and refund whatever is left of the 69.95 or 79.95 charge. I think you mean a FULL refund is what they didn't agree to.? I certainly plan on cancelling all my subscriptions as soon as my credit is cleaned up and I no longer need their services, *if* there is a price that has to be paid, I guess 9.00 is okay. Personally, I think they need to make the price FREE to consumers, I still can't believe the government won't make the credit reporting agencies give us free copies of our own damn reports.
  10. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    Intially, when it stopped working and they would not respond, I asked for a prorated refund. I was told that no refunds at all after the initial 30 day trial period was over. Eventually they gave me a full refund, even though I used the service six months.

    I was using it to monitor my reports after they were cleaned up. Too much garbage was popping up so I felt I needed to monitor at least one of my reports on a regular basis.

    When CE quit working, I decided to switch to one of the services offerd by EQ, but, after reading the comments here, I see they are not working either. So, right now I am not monitoring any of the reports on a daily basis.

    I did pull a TU today through Worthknowing just to see if anything came up. I do that about once a month.

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