Experian NOT Complying

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by exotic, Nov 16, 2002.

  1. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    Back in early 2002 I wrote to JC Penney in reference to some lates showing up on my three credit reports, JC Penney wrote back to me and said the following;

    Dear XXXXXXXX,

    Please accept this letter as written confirmation that a request has been sent to the credit reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union to delete all derogatory information from your credit bureau file, pertaining to your JC Penney credit card account.

    Please retain this letter for future refrence. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. If you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please contact us at the telephone number shown below.
    If we do not hear from you we will trust that you are acknowledging agreement with the response above.

    Very truly your,

    Customer Service Department.


    But until today, Experian has not removed the lates, when I disputed with Experian all they did was add more lates so I gave up.

    What can I do next to have Experian Remove these Lates, I'm sending Copy of this letter along with
    ( I NEED A SAMPLE LETTER ) to send them also, Any good Letter or Intent to Sue ???? Please help, i'm applying for a mortgage soon!

  2. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    I don't think Exp ever complies! I have disputed an acct that came back verified. I have sent 3 procedural requests. All I keep getting is "we previously investigated this item". Yes, I know that you morons, but where is the answer to my procedural requests!!!
  3. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    LOL at "MORONS" yea they sent me the same verified remains...yea right, they wish they verified, my creditor has requested them to remove...I wonder who they verified with? I guess Experian Employees talk to them self's and fake it, or they ask the Janitor for advise LOL. With my letter from JC Penney is plenty of proof they are violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act and I have Grounds to sue them for Defemation. I'll try one more time to see if they remove it.
  4. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    what next?
  5. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    I would definately send them the letter. Have you sent it to them before? You could send an intent to sue letter. Just search, I found 4 or 5 when I needed one. The only problem that you may have is the date of the letter. I just sent one into all the CRA's, and first thing they asked me was how old it was. It was only a week old, so it was fine. They told me that if it's a certain age, they won't use it because it's information could be outdated.
  6. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    Hey, just telling you what they told me. No need to shout!
  8. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    sorry =) I didn't mean to shout.
  9. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Have you asked JC Penny to send another letter? To shorten the time frame cut and paste a newer date and hardcopy and fax a copy to EX. Charlie
  10. exotic

    exotic Well-Known Member

    No I haven't ask JC Penney to re-send the letter, I'm going to send a Intent to Sue letter to Experian to see what they do. =)

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