I disputed two duplicate entries on my credit report for student loans. It's obviouis that they are duplicate entries. Everything is exactly the same. I disputed this on 7/30/02. and I just checked to see any update's on my report and they have this as "remains". they had until 8/289/02 to complete their investigation. Does anyone have any Idea's what I can do to get this duplicate entry off and listed as one entry. need help. Experian is so frustrating!! kathy
yep, they are sallie mae. Experian just keeps verifying, or so they say. as a matter of fact so does Equifax keep verifying the double entry as well. kathy
Thought so... I've had the same problem, as have several others on here and elsewhere. Getting Sallie Mae to remove the dupes doesn't work either (although they may tell you that they are going to fix it, they ussually won't). I've got an intent to sue at Sallie Mae right now, for this exact issue. So, we'll see what happens then.
Scout, you just answered my next question. I was going to ask would it help to call sallie mae. anyway, keep us posted to your progress with this kathy
My situation sounds exactly like yours. At first I thought this was completely the fault of the CRAs. (I had each CRA verify the dupes). But, it after dealing with Sallie Mae for the last 6 weeks on this issue, I've come to realize that it is their reporting procedures/practices. I'm not saying you shouldn't call Sallie Mae. I think you should call, write letters/faxes, etc. Build up a paper trail, also, pull your reports after "disputing" their reporting (to see if they mark in dispute). Then, start filing complaints with the BBB and the AG (I've filed complaints with both in my state, PA).
I sent sallie mae an intent to sue letter regarding incorrect account reporting... i got a call from the supervisor the next day and they corrected that particular item. I will be sending another regarding errors in reporting that they keep verifying.
Diva, Good job! I'm glad someone has had some success with them. I haven't heard from them yet. If I don't hear from them by Friday, I'll be faxing over the filled out court papers (to let them know I'm serious). The supervisor you talked to, was he/she in their legal dept.? And what did they tell you? (i.e., did they say they would delete a trade-line, etc.)
sorry to hear you have had so much trouble w/double entries. I use creditexpert and saw 2 different double entries. called CE and they gave me this #1 888 972 5722. connected to experian CSR and she cleared both when I hung up the phone.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CRA has my Home Hone Loan Listed trice as follows: 1*Bank A. Installment loan Bal. 20,000. 2*Bank B mortgage -------- Bal. 20,000 . Makes it look like there are 2 debts for a total of 40,000 owed when there is just on debt with only 20,000 owed. How's this for a disguised Dbl. Entry? LB 59