I disputed a couple items on my EX report and they came back verified, including a judgement. I then sent a letter requesting all information gathered in their investagation and their procedures for doing so. As many you probably know I, they sent me a generic letter stating they investigated and verifired the info and if I wanted more info to call the creditor. What part of the FCRA can I use to get them to get me this info and is there a FTC or court opinion to help with this process? Thanks for any input... IB
15 U.S.C. §1681i I used this as a cause of action in my suit. I am still looking for someone who actually received a procedural description from Experian...just because I'm curious as to whether or not they have ever sent a response that falls within what the FCRA requires. L
I'm with Whyspers. I'd send them an intent to sue and 5 days to remove. And then I'd file. That's what I'm doing with TU. Violation of 1681i is just as big a violation as any of the others.
Butch, Thanks for the input. Can you share with me an outline of a letter you used for your intent to sue? Thanks, IB
What do you guys think about this: CRA verifies a collection account as correct. I request procedures. They delete account. Is it a violation that they didn't provide me with procedures within the fifteen days, or are they off the hook because they subsequently deleted the account? P.S. Here is a link to that rule: http://www.creditinfocenter.com/legal/FCRA.shtml#611
I'm going thru this w/ Exp. too. Just sent a second proc. request. I didn't even get the standard form letter the first time. I got gypped! I got a letter stating they need more information. Information about what? Do they want me to go there and look up their records for them? LOL
Whyspers, What I received from Experian was a very general procedures description. What I requested was the procedures used to verify the 4 negative tradelines I had previously disputed. Sure didn't get that. All I know is how they may have verified it, not how or who they acutally verified it with. The late payment history on one of these negative tradelines was deleted today but that was because of the creditor and not my procedural request. This is my worst report with three negative listings. Two charge offs and one 30 day late.
I wish I new what the next step was? EX sent me 2 extremely generic letters about procedures and saying they already investigated this information blah, blah, blah-Please refer to to CR for info on creditor. They gavve details about how this information was abtained. They did not even indicate which items I inquired about or asked to re-investigate. I was thinking that I should just wait till 60 days have gone by since I sent the first letters and then go ESTOPPEL on them. Does anyone think this will work?