Hey Folks, I need some advice. I just received a notification back from Experian letting me know that they refuse to reinvestigate previously submitted items. What should I do now? Any advice would be great. Thanks BJ
I am getting ready to send them a letter quoting that section of the FCRA myself. That should get a response. If it doesn't, then I agree, sue.
Breeze....Do you have a letter that pertains to this? I want to demand reinvestigation and threaten to sue in the same letter. Thanks in advance.
This happened to me once. I simply faxed it in to them. I went online about 7-10 days later and what do you know...everything was blue (under investigation). Say something different in your fax other than not mine. I demanded to know how they verified and told them the results of my own investigation? Got 1 out of 2 issues deleted.
I noticed on my husband's credit report, that I just got, they are listing disputes and the outcome under the original disputed item. Is that so they can keep track of how many times you have disputed an item? Be scared or no big deal?