Been trying to get them to investigate several items and they refuse and constantly send me excuses one after the other (standard form letters). I will not continue to play back and forth letter writing games with them when it's obvious that they are making up every excuse not to do their freakin jobs and I am pissed. Excuse #1 "Not enough information for investigation, please give more specific detailed reasons why information is inaccurate" - Bullsh*t!!! Inaccurate is inaccurate, wrong, incorrect, etc.... Excuse #2 "Could not find items that you requested investigation on CR" - More Bullsh*t!!!! I'm looking directly at the freakin report and I see it how come you can't find it, you placed it on there. ICING ON THE CAKE - Excuse #3 - "We are responding to your request to investigate items on your CR, the address you supplied has never been reported to us and to further assist you we must verify your current mailing address". WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I have 4 (FOUR) CR's that I am holding in my hand right now that they have mailed to me at my CURRENT address which I provided to them (copy of DL and utility bill) when I originally requested my CR in November 2001. I'm drained at this point, you send letters CRRR and stupid post office does not get a date then they tell you they have to send back to receiver and rely on their honesty as to when they received. What am I paying $3.94 for, if I thought I could rely on them to tell me exactly when they received then I would not need CRRR service. I'm sorry for going on and on but this is very stressful and I think I just need a break.
Sorry Ms. Jackson. If they wanna play "form-letter" games with you, why send them some. You know... the "LEGAL" types? You've obviously made every effort to get your questionable items investigated. I'm sure the FTC as well as your local small claims court judge would be interested in hearing about the bull-ka-ka they've been giving you. Especially that crap in Exuses 2 and 3. Smitty Only 2 things are infinite... the Universe and CRA stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the Universe.
Thanks Smitt, I would really appreciate more responses as to what you all would do at this point. I think I go on and on in my posts because I seem to never get assistance.
Hey msjackson. I've been trying to find a sample letter you could send to these guys. You basically want to tell them that you're through playing their games and you want something done. Not now... but RIGHT NOW! My wife was able to get two fraudulent charge-offs removed from her report after sending an "intent to sue" letter to file a small claims lawsuit against EQ for defamation of character (bad report damages your "character", right?) She sent the letter CRRR stating that she was basically: 1. tired of the childish crap she was getting from them 2. requesting IMMEDIATE investigation and/or removal of the items 3. going through with the lawsuit if she got anymore BS! . <-- PERIOD I don't know what the small claims limits are in your state. But Georgia allows up to $15000! (I was REALLY hoping they would give her more grief!) But in the end, the listings got removed. That has also worked with FNANB and CA's, too. It REALLY helps if you cc: your "lawyer" and get it notarized. We've got a family member who's a solicitor whose name we used, but your "legal advisor" could be anyone from your next-door neighbor to your pet dog Rufus. Remind them that you've got proof of their BS and you'd "rather not take this to court" OR "am more than willing to take this to court". Put as much personal suffering (that their BS has caused you) into it while conveying the fact that you mean business (lawsuit). You should get a more "respectful reply" after that. Smitty Only 2 things are infinite... the Universe and CRA stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the Universe!
Try this Ms Jackson, your state Attorney Gen. Office, I try it a few days ago and there office Email me Monday telling me what information to send them to me . They will want copy of your letters to the cra,and the copy the cra sent you.I am not sure if it will help but they did get in touch with me fast.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot how CRA's fear Attorney Generals like Osama fears cluster bombs! Smitty Only 2 things are infinite... the Universe and CRA stupidity! And I'm not so sure about the Universe.
MsJackson, last week you emailed and asked me to take time to look over a few postings. When I responded the second time with my observations, I never received an acknowledgment back. Did you receive my email? I realize that my answers may not have been as helpful as you'd hoped, but I would at least like to know that the message was received as I did spend some time thinking about your credit issues that day. Thanks, Doc
Msjackson, I'm not sure if you are just waiting for someone to say what you want to hear, but the advice you have been given so far, well I would go with it. We all know what it's like to be frustrated with the CRA's (and we all usually hate one more than the others), but you need to relax. NOTHING will be fixed overnight and you won't get a CRA/CA in a million violations overnight. It took Christi months to get her papertrail, and I'm sure if she filed a lawsuit after the FIRST violation, she may not have gotten the results she is getting (having more violations), sorry for speaking for you Christi. It took LKH many months to clear up the sh!t with Gulf State (I still think you should sue hint hint), but he got what he wanted permanent deletion. If I had jumped on my CA the first violation I had them in, well my papertrail would be a joke. It takes time, sometimes months. I wish I could settle with my CA now and take a nice long vacation , but I have to tell myself the wait will be worth it! Be persistent, and don't give up, but relax and let everything fall into place for you.