"Unfortunately, we could not use this information..." Question: Has Experian ever NOT responded in this manner when you submitted documentation with your dispute? I believe that Experian's "authentication" guidelines are nonexistent or unreasonable. They are positively mysterious (see below). I attached a letter that was generated by the furnisher stating that the tradeline should be updated to read "CURRENT/NO DELINQUENCY." Experian responded with the following form letter: "We are responding to the information you sent us. Unfortunately, we could not use this information. We are contacting the source of the information you questioned. When we complete our verification process, which may take up to 30 days, we will send you the results." Q: "Why couldn't you use the letter from the furnisher?" A: It did not meet our "authentication" guidelines. Q: "What are your "authentication" guidelines? A: We don't disclose that information, otherwise you would know what is required to forge documents. Creditors know the guidelines. So I contacted the furnisher and it has no clue what these "authentication" guidelines are. This Experian policy violates 15 U.S.C. 1681i(a)(4). I am confident that there is not one consumer who has not received this notice in response to their dispute that was accompanied by documentation.