I just tried to get a report online. It told me that I can't do it. I think that it is because I cancelled my creditexpert at the end of the 30 day trial. They are being butts. Anyone have a number to call and talk to a human? Also, after cancelling CE, did anyone else have the same problem. My CHOD results are in for Equifax! I just checked online. I am not sure what my score is now but I got 4 (yes 4) 30 day lates off my mortgage, these were not 30 days late but if I pay after the 1st they report me that way. And 2 doctor bills deleted. On that report I now only have 1 neg, a collection for 135. I just hope that the mortgage lates don't come back to bite me in the butt.
I use CE and cancel at about the 23rd day. I then join again and just pick a new user name and start all over. Then I never get billed for it but I get the perks.