experts please advise

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ihatedebt, Oct 2, 2002.

  1. ihatedebt

    ihatedebt Member

    first of all, a great forum. have been reading posts for a while and educating myself. could the experts please look at these two accounts and advise:

    I don't understand, if the accounts are charge offs, why are they showing a balance and that i owe money to these two accounts. what would be your advice on how to go about tackling these accounts. I remember CA contacting me last year for these accounts but there are no tradelines on my three CR for the CA. thank you
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    These almost look like they are the same accounts, other than the open dates.

    Ok both OC's updated last month. You need to check your states SOL. If it's past the SOL go after them full force, if it's not past the SOL you may want to try and tackle other items.

    Let's assume its past the SOL, I say go after the first one listed first. Just simply dispute with the CRA(s) as either "not mine" or what have you. The CAN show a balance if you haven't paid it. Silly, yes, but for some reason they can.

    IF you are thinking of settling the debt, for whatever reason, get whatever your deal is in writing, and make sure you get deletion as part of the settlement.

    I'm no expert, this is my NON-expert advice.
  3. ihatedebt

    ihatedebt Member

    thank you for a quick response. Yes they are similar, but they are two different accounts. SOL will not expire until late 2003. I think i'll take your advise and contact OC, thats what i was thinking about doing before i posted this. This way, at least the CA who keeps harassing me will be pre-empted from reporting to CRAs. just to be safe, I will shoot off a letter to CA in the morning disputing the account. But I've read in this forum the OC I've to deal with does not delete or modify the tradelines. Does anybody have any other ideas. thanks in advance.
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


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