Expiring account on my credit report

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by garrettpar, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. garrettpar

    garrettpar New Member

    When an account expires on a credit report, how does it effect your score when it expires. Does it hurt it more if it expired upaid then if you paid it off severely late? Or does once it expire it totally expires?

    I have an account that i recently realized has been unpaid for quite sometime and i was getting ready to pay it, when i noticed that it expires in three months. Before i pay it, i wanted to investigate if it would make a significant difference since it is expiring shortly anyhow.

  2. connerches

    connerches Member

    Once it expires it comes off your credit report
  3. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    Warning though: It may fall off your credit report but if the SOL for your state is still not up/over with you might still get sued for the debt.

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