
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by eriwei, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. eriwei

    eriwei Member

    can anyone explain to me what will happen if i do have to goto court over the money that is owed? like i have stated before they are looking for me to give them $9,821 by months end. If it goes to court what can i expect? what will happen? will a sheriff come and sell my stuff? i got myself into this mess, now i am losing sleep over what is going to happen to me. anyone with some insight would help me out greatly.thank you all for your quick response.
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    please stop starting different threads ...it makes it very hard for others to follow your questions and provide you with answers

    you are asking the same question in 4 or 5 different threads now

    the first question is have you validated this debt with the CA?

    how old is the debt? when was the last time you made a payment on it?

    you may be worrying about going to court but you may have a SOL defense

    also, as i said in another thread, if you do show up you will prevent them from obtaining a default judgment, possibly the judge will order the parties to try and reach a settlement before trial, and they will give you time to pay off the money without a judgment being entered.

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