Update- Mr. Cook has called me. He says that he was out of the office a lot last week, and apologizes. He said that it was all their mistake, and he will get it fixed and marked on his calendar to give me another call. He was concerned that I trashed the card.. I said I still had it, and would give him a call with future concerns regarding my account.
Ask for any or all?!?!?!?!?!!?!? LOWER INTEREST RATE? $1-5,000 LIMIT INCREASE (no credit report)? 0.00%-4.90% (no fee) BT?
I asked for lower APR in one of my letters, I forgot to ask on the phone, I was running between classes, but I dont carry a balance anyways, Ill hit him up if he calls, or Ill do it next PFB round I suppose.
This was your chance to play the Cap One violin to the hilt. When he calls back, you need to ask for 8.9% apr and at least a $1000 increase for your troubles. If he doesn't call back this week, call *him* to confirm your conversation with him today and then ask for the above improvements to your account. Tell him that you want to use the card ASAP for a purchase and that you need to make sure that the account is opened without restrictions. And then say... "I've NEVER had a credit card company make a mistake with my account like this, nor have I EVER had a representative make me feel as small and unvalued as a customer as ____ lady did last week. I'm tempted to close the card based on that conversation, but I have enjoyed using the card and that's why I haven't closed it yet. Is there *anything* you can do to improve my account terms for my trouble? I would like a ___________ and a _________. Thank you."
PERFECT advice from Marci as usual Do you have a gold card? If not, upgrade to it. Make sure to get 8.9 in ALL buckets (purchases and cash advances), get your annual fee waived if you have one, and get 1k minimum increase. I'd actually go for 2k, but 1k is very reasonable with them. Why do you want to upgrade your card? well, because every time you look at the current card you hear that lady's voice belittling you and it makes you not only angry it makes you want to throw the card away. While it's silly.. an upgraded card would physically change the look of the card and thus help you get back to those good feelings you once got when you looked at your Cap1 card... you used to feel proud to carry your Cap1 card and you'd like that feeling again... and for that it's time they step up to the plate. When you discuss your future with him, stress that you've normally gotten great service and so this difference really bothered you... it's not what you've come to expect from Cap1... and that's the only reason you didn't cancel already. I don't know what your credit limit is... but if it's mid 2000s or so, I'd ask for a Plat upgrade (yes, it's a 5k minimum)... just try it... get the no hassle 8.9 across all buckets no annual fee variety... I think, if you've had the card for 2 years, you really may be able to push the Plat issue... no joke. try it. I've known of classic/gold to Plat large jumps If you have an under 1k or around 1k credit line, ask for the next upgrade level (gold?) and then try for 2-3k increase... so tell him a specific credit line you'd like (eg: 3500, 4000 etc) because you'd like to use Cap1 again, and if you get great terms like the 8.9 you can balance transfer and use the card exclusively... that way you can feel like you've been rewarded for staying and being loyal when you really didn't feel like it after that incident.. well, you get the idea. My real point is you really got treated poorly and I think a BIG increase in terms and in loc is in order... and I'm speaking from personal experience... sometimes really large increases are possible I'd be nicely unreasonable. After all, it's going to take a lot to now keep you feeling good about CAp1...
I'm not sure if this happened to you, I didn't proof read before posting as usual, but I would tell him that you attempted to use the card and it got declined leaving you in a jam and forced to pay cash (or use another card). Tell him that is when you realized your account had been closed. If I have the wrong post, and this happened to someone else, well too bad!! lol J/K
Good advice from all! Thanks for the support too. I will ask for an upgrade! Ill let you guys know what happens. Wish me luck!