read some other posts from the search feature..but not sure i understand. Asset Acceptance LLC, who still hasn't sent me proper validation on an account, just made a change to my Equifax report, not it says factoring company, my credit monitoring service caught it. What is that, the other posts make it seem like something very nasty and underhanded?
If your account is a charge-off, it is NOT a factoring company account. Reporting it as such is a violation.
I,m glad to see that I,m not the only one dealing with these scumbags.. I have them listing the same type of info on my report. This is the first time I,ve actually had to get down to pulling out the brass knucks and try to nail a CA right in the ole kisser so I could use some advice on ITS letter.Any help would be appreciated Asset Acceptance. is the company. Account Past SOL in my State. of TX. Dispute Letter has been sent. CMRR..Should have green card anyday know..They recieved my letter on the 18th.of april..I am also waiting for any replies from this company.OR Proof which I know they dont have.Also I have never talked to them on the phone but have the recorder ready if they call. Heres how its listed on TU and Exp. TU;shows Loan Type;Factoring Company account. Date placed for collection;4/2004 Pay Status; Collection Account Account Type; OPEN Account Exp. shows. Date Opened/reported 4/2004-4/2001 Date of status/last reported;4-2001/4-2006 Type/Terms/Monthly payment; Installment/1 month Status details; Collection as of 2001 to 2006 Creditor recently located individual Oct07,2005 to OCT07,2005. An earlier report states that they Located individual 07/27/2005 to 07/27/2005. I,ve been at my same address for 6yrs. For you more knowledgable about Lawsuits against CAs or CRAs for that matter.. What type of ITS letter did you send or did you just go ahead and file with the courts?..Or did you just send a letter to them to pay 1000.00 for each federal law they broke.?? For those dealing with the same company. I looked them up thru google.. On their website it clearly states they buy charged-off accounts frioguy
If you're serious about it, send an ITS letter with a copy of the Summons you plan to file. It'll get their attention. Have you compiled your list of violations? Going to court should be the avenue of last resort, you should show that you attempted to settle the matter in a timely and appropriate manner. If you're on the way to lawsuit land, you let them know you're coming by being very direct and straightfoward with in your language. Example: List the address Date.... RE: ....... Gentlemen: State the case with violations listed. List your expectations. Wrap it up with a time frame,. 20 or 25 days from the date of your letter you will file suit without notice.Then follow through.