Fako droped a whole 100 pts

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by aandre, May 1, 2007.

  1. aandre

    aandre Active Member

    when new credit card was added to EQ, should I be worried about my FICO?
  2. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    Nope. There are, as you know, a range of reasons we call them FAKO scores.
  3. aandre

    aandre Active Member

    Yes I understand that, but should I be worried about some type of drop from drastic drop from Fico at all?
  4. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    There is almost no correlation between FAKO and FICO. For the exact same report, FAKO has been known to be 100 points different than FICO--either way.

    Your choice to be worried is your choice to be worried. There is only one way to get the information: myfico.com if it is TU/EXP/EQ, and equifax.com if it is EQ.

    No one on this earth depends on FAKO scores for credit granting decisions. It is unpredictable, virtually meaningless, and should be ignored by all. If you want your FICO score you have to purchase it.
  5. aandre

    aandre Active Member

    ok, thanks...
  6. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Your FICO score will drop with the addition of a new CC, for a couple of reasons. But...what are you actually worried about? Are you planning to apply for more credit soon? Managing your credit is looking at it in the big picture. Your scores only have true meaning when you are applying for credit, or when your reports will be reviewed. FICO and FAKOs will always move up and down, but the important thing is what they are when you need them for credit purposes.

    So, worry about your scores when you need them, not all the time.
  7. aandre

    aandre Active Member

    not now, but I will need them in about six months when I plan on purchasing a house

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