Hi all, I finally heard from Equifax regarding the inaccurate info they have listed on my CR. They verified it! On the public record info section of the report, they have listed a judgement made against my father, who's name is similar to (though not the same as) mine. They recently "verified" that this item is mine. Perhaps not coincidentally I've also recently been receiving debt consolidation/etc. letters addressed to my father, and its been quite some time since I've lived with him! Foolishly thinking that this would be a simple correction for them to make, I initiated the research request online. Would it be alright to request that they provide their evidence that my father and I are the same person via a certified letter, or should I stick with replying online? I have drafted a nice "I'm still calm but on the verge of going crazy" validation letter, and would love to send it to them, unedited. Online requests are limited to 100 words or less. Also, can someone point me in the right direction of what, if any, law they're violating by reporting and having verified false information? I may have to use such info for a third letter, if it comes to that. Thanks!