I have a repossession of a vehicle listed in my cr dated 06/01/2000. I bought a vehicle in 1998, from a dealership offering used vehicles, buy here pay here. I fell a bit behind for a bit, but did get caught up and paid the vehicle off. I traded it in on a vehicle I am currently driving. When I was late the finance manager threatened to put it on my cr. At the time I didnt think anything of it until recently when I viewed my cr. I know I can get this removed because it is innacurate. But I want to know how they can legally post false items when they know it isnt true? Just wondering if anyone else experienced anything similar....Thanks
************************************************************ NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ************************************************************************************************* Bumping False Repo. on report for DukeaK ***************************************************************** NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ************************************************************
I had to bump this one again. Looking at my reports here, and there isnt even any 30 60 90 day lates on this. But it says there is a balance of $3694. And I paid this off a couple years ago and had the title.. and they still have the repossession put on here. Just looking for some feedback thanks
This could very well be out in left field.... but... what about this. You don't owe them money, so they can't get revenge with a judgment lawsuit.... so why not ITS them. Clearly since they didn't follow the repo laws (hello, it wasn't repo'd) they must delete this entirely (not just update). Why even slow down long enough to mess with a validation process. Be prepared to sue if no reponse. Thoughts?
Dippy server. Double posts. So I replace one of the duplicates with a "." If I say "ignore" it creates the "let's not pay attention" thread LOL.
Re: Re: False Repo. on report makes sense there for a minute I thought you were starting a . thread LOL