let me start by saying i know this is a credit chat room and i have gotten alot of help as far as that is concerned but i have exhausted my fingers by trying to find info on this subject online. i am going thru child support enforcement to get my court order enforced and my sons father has been making alot more money than when we originally had the order put in place. based on FL guidelines i am entilted to more than double the support because of the amount he makes. it has been a YEAR and still no modification..........i go up to the office at least once weekly to check on the status of the mod. and they still have not sent it to the judge to sign off on. what can i do? any ideas?
What to do I don't know anything about divorce courts or child custody cases but in a regular court you would have to prepare a notice of hearing and a certificate of mailing then go to the judge's office and have the judge's secretary set a hearing date for your motion. Once your hearing date has been set by the judge's secretary you would take it to the clerk of the court and file it along with a copy of your certificate of mailing. The next step would be to mail a copy of your notice of hearing and your certificate of mailing to the opposing attorney. Why don't you check with your attorney to see what to do in divorce court? Yes, I understand that your problem is supposedly being handled by the state now and your divorce attorney has nothing to do with that end of it but s/he may at least be able to give you some advice on how to deal with your particular situation at the present time. Trying to get any action out of state workers is quite often very difficult. If you can get the right advice on how to proceed from a competent attorney you might be able to get the case moving again.