Fast Track to Legal Action

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Texas4x4, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. Texas4x4

    Texas4x4 Active Member

    Let's say I have worked hard for the last 2 years to get my score to an average 650.

    My lease is up Aug 1 and I have been working with a realtor for about 3 weeks and narrowed down my choices.

    I use citimonitoring, Last Wednesday I got a notice that my report had been modified. It appears a CA had purchased an old collection and notified EQ and TU that date opened and balance date are last month and my scores on those two dropped 70 points (Why so much?). I sent them a nutcase letter on Thursday and called FTC (yes crrr) and waiting for a response if any is coming.

    But I need a plan b....Exp shows the correct dates, will EQ and TU use these and give a quick rollback? Any other aggressive suggestions? Tks
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    How old is the debt? Based on the last payment, is it past SOL for legal action? Based on when it originally went delinquent, is it past the 7 year reporting period?
  3. Texas4x4

    Texas4x4 Active Member

    30 months old

    SOL in Texas is 48 months. The irony is that I called them to settle, they were going to fax me a "settle for less" agreement which they never did. I called them back a week later and that is when they got dirty.
    My nutcase letter was based on

    § 623. Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies
    (5) Duty to Provide Notice of Delinquency of Accounts
    (A) In general. A person who furnishes information to a consumer reporting
    agency regarding a delinquent account being placed for collection, charged
    to profit or loss, or subjected to any similar action shall, not later than 90
    days after furnishing the information, notify the agency of the date of
    delinquency on the account, which shall be the month and year of the
    commencement of the delinquency on the account that immediately
    preceded the action.
  4. Texas4x4

    Texas4x4 Active Member

    When you sue....

    If the CA illegally reports across all three CRA's.....Is it $1000 per CRA?
  5. Texas4x4

    Texas4x4 Active Member

    Do I have a plan b? A little creativity would be greatly appreciated....

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